Field of Possibilities

Did you know that positive thinking dramatically enhances your chances for success in any endeavor?

Did you know that the opposite is also true?

Our awesome minds work persistently, powerfully and elegantly to prove us right. That’s what it does. It finds connections, reasons, associations that prove us right! For better or for worse, you will seek to validate yourself, consciously or unconsciously, aka AUTOPILOT.

The question is: What do you want to be right about?

There is a quote I love by writer and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Trine:

“The optimist is right, the pessimist is right. The one differs from the other as the light from the dark. Yet both are right.

Each is right from his own particular point of view, and this point of view is the determining factor in the life of each.

It determines as to whether it is a life of power or of impotence, of peace or of pain, of success or of failure.”

Our awesome brains are scrolling thoughts non-stop and we pluck and choose which thoughts we hold and nurture. We choose what we spend our “mind currency” on and we choose how we think about it & spend it.

CHOICE is the most powerful tool we have! It can turn an obstacle into a challenge or it can turn the possible, or even probable, into the impossible!

Choosing the negative is like going to a restaurant and ordering food that you hate, its like going to your favorite store with a pocket full of cash and (buying) using your money on stuff you don’t want.

How do you not choose the negative? How do you choose better?

I mentioned this in an earlier post, but the key is “practice”. We get better at what we practice. You’ve got to practice choosing a better thought. You’ve got to catch yourself when you are running a horror movie! Don’t beat yourself up! Be kind to yourself, even laugh at yourself and congratulate yourself every time you catch yourself. You are making progress!

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~ Aristotle

Your progress will come faster than you think and do you know why? Because you’ll start feeling better, and you’ll start getting better outcomes. And your beautiful, awesome brain will start sifting and searching and finding wonderful things to prove you right! That’s pretty cool!

We live in a Field of Possibilities and we have so much more control over the

possibilities than we realize.

Cogito Ergo Sum ~ I think, therefore I am. ~ Descartes

Optimism and Pessimism are both vibes, Both vibes are doorways into the Field of Possibilities.

Which will you choose?


Yin Yang ~ Win-Win Balance…Equanimity…Trust

